Our Bitches
All of our bitches are sired by Field Trail Winners (FTW’s) or Field Trail Champions (FTCh’s), and also come from excellent bitch backgrounds, which is of paramount importance!
They have great intelligence, superb temperaments and natural game finding ability.
Swaine Tadders Buttercup
At Thunderlands
by, FTCh. Pocklea Adder
ex. Gerransbay Solo | |
Thunderlands Nozomi
by, FTCh. Saxaphone Express
ex. Swaine Tadders Buttercup
At Thunderlands |
Thunderlands Wispa
by, FTCh. Greenbriar Viper
Of Drakeshead
ex. Thunderlands Nozomi
| |
Thunderlands Skye
by, FTCh. Leadburn Viceroy ++
ex. Thunderlands Wispa |
Thunderlands Summer
by, FTCh. Beileys Aguzannis
Of Fendawood +
ex. Thunderlands Skye
| | |
All our dogs and pups bred are KC (Kennel Club) Registered and are microchipped for permanent identification.
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