5 Generation Pedigrees

Please click on the images to view the dogs 5 Generation Pedigree.

BELLE - Stylish Jumper - click for 5 generation pedigree
Swaine Tadders Buttercup
At Thunderlands
36 FTCh’s / 11 FTW’s inc., 6 Winners & 1 Runner-up
of the IGL Retriever Championship in her 5 Generation Pedigree.
LIVVIE - rock steady - click for 5 generation pedigree
Thunderlands Nozomi
33 FTCh’s / 11 FTW’s inc., 4 Winners & 2 Runners-up
of the IGL Retriever Championship in her 5 Generation Pedigree.
FAYE - following her nose - click for 5 generation pedigree
Thunderlands Wispa
32 FTCh’s / 13 FTW’s inc., 5 Winners & 2 Runners-up
of the IGL Retriever Championship in her 5 Generation Pedigree.
SKYE - outstanding - click for 5 generation pedigree
Thunderlands Skye
33 FTCh’s / 10 FTW’s inc., 5 Winners & 4 Runners-up
of the IGL Retriever Championship in her 5 Generation Pedigree.
SUMMER - stoped - click for 5 generation pedigree
Thunderlands Summer
33 FTCh’s / 12 FTW’s inc., 4 Winners & 3 Runners-up
of the IGL Retriever Championship in her 5 Generation Pedigree.

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